Napkin Dispenser Machine
Menstruation is as yet considered as an impure one in our country. Women among themselves were not ready to speak about it. Many of the girls drop out their education once they attain puberty it’s because they feel difficult to go over those tough days. It is not possible to carry the napkins with her all-time as periods cannot be determined exactly it may vary in sometimes. Borrowing the sanitary napkin in common is a complicated process. And, most of the educational institutions fail to make available basic hygienic facilities.
Knowledge about menstruation is not sufficient to the girls. They consider the menstrual products were expensive and cannot manage to pay for. So, they are likely to use products like old rags, ashes, dry leaves and husk sand. These practices should not be encouraged as it can lead to disease like reproductive tract infection (RTI). Napkin dispenser machine brings out a solution for this. Through this machine napkins can be avail at an affordable price and can be changed regularly. It comes out in both manual and automatic type. Thus, it promotes menstrual hygiene in women which play an effective role in their health, must be followed to carry over the menstrual cycle hygienic.