Sanitary Pad Destroyer Sanitary pad destroyer is seems to be a much essential one that helps women to put away their menstrual wastes in the right place. Various problems have…
Sanitary Pad Vending Machines
Sanitary Pad Vending Machines There is stigma and social taboo related with sanitary napkins, greater part of girls in rural areas feel uncomfortable or is hesitant in procuring it from…
Sanitary pad machine in school
Sanitary pad machine in school Sanitary pad machine is a major factor towards the betterment of feminine hygiene in the modern society. During menstruation women face more problems accessing napkins…
Sanitary pads burning machine
Sanitary pads burning machine Disposal of sanitary pads is seems to be a growing issue in the current scenario. There is no proper waste management system has been carried out…
Pads Vending Machine
Pads Vending Machine Pads vending machine helps one to get sanitary pads at any time of her choice to absorb her menstrual flow. Women’s body is more vulnerable during at…
Sanitary pad disposal machine for home
Sanitary pad disposal machine for home Menstruation is a normal biological process. Stigma and hindrance around periods harm women and girls every day. In many parts of the world women…
Pad dispensing machine
Pad dispensing machine Menstrual hygiene is necessity one to be followed during periods. Ensuring proper hygiene during menstrual cycle is the key to ease the pain which we go through.…
Incinerator for Sanitary Pads
Incinerator for Sanitary Pads When we discuss the topic menstruation it also hits about the disposal of it too. Most of the young girls in rural area none of them…
Pads burning machine
Pads burning machine Menstruation is a natural biological process of womanhood. Most girls start to menstruate at the age of 10 to 15 years. Only after hitting the menstrual cycle…
Automatic sanitary napkin vending machine
Automatic sanitary napkin vending machine Self-hygiene is much essential for an individual. It is much more important during menstruation required to maintain cleanliness and hygiene. Hygiene is not only meant…