Sanitary Pad Vending Machines There is stigma and social taboo related with sanitary napkins, greater part of girls in rural areas feel uncomfortable or is hesitant in procuring it from…
Sanitary pad machine in school
Sanitary pad machine in school Sanitary pad machine is a major factor towards the betterment of feminine hygiene in the modern society. During menstruation women face more problems accessing napkins…
Pads Vending Machine
Pads Vending Machine Pads vending machine helps one to get sanitary pads at any time of her choice to absorb her menstrual flow. Women’s body is more vulnerable during at…
Manual Sanitary Napkin Vending Machine
Manual Sanitary Napkin Vending Machine Period products are inaccessible and unreliable for many women from low income communities, as a result of a lack of innovation influenced by the menstrual…
Pad dispensing machine
Pad dispensing machine Menstrual hygiene is necessity one to be followed during periods. Ensuring proper hygiene during menstrual cycle is the key to ease the pain which we go through.…
Automatic sanitary napkin vending machine
Automatic sanitary napkin vending machine Self-hygiene is much essential for an individual. It is much more important during menstruation required to maintain cleanliness and hygiene. Hygiene is not only meant…
Pad Dispenser Machine
Pad Dispenser Machine Periods is said to be known as vaginal bleeding that every female will be undergoing for in a regular cycle of twenty-eight days. However, the exact date…
Sanitary napkin vending machine with Incinerator
Sanitary napkin vending machine with Incinerator Sanitary napkin vending machine with incinerator is said to be great boon for womankind during her menstrual cycle. It helps them to get the…
Vending machine for Sanitary napkins
Vending machine for Sanitary napkins Based on the result of a recent research, only 12% of women in our country among 355 million menstruating women use sanitary napkins. This reflects…
Sanitary napkins dispenser
Sanitary napkins dispenser In our country most probably in rural areas women does not have much knowledge about a sanitary napkin and cannot afford it that lean towards them to…